Canada Can't Quite Figure Out How To Do A Promotional Sale

    CC: LCBOs.

    Canadian Fact: Bargains are just better and more marked-down south of the border.

    Love shopping in the states, sales are so much better and tax isn't as much #blessed

    Which is 60% (off) the reason why Canadians pilgrimage there each year.

    Yes, sure, there are seasonal flash sales, but the sh*t they try to pass off as shiny discounts are sometimes straight laughable.

    Oh wow. Look at those savings. To all my US friends. This is not a joke. Actual sale.

    Or are non-sales.

    (What is THIS?! Canadian Tire: Look at your life, look at your choices.)

    OR — much worse — higher than the asking price.*

    *OK, these aren't the usual type of promotions but this is generally how it feels in our hearts.

    They're either being sneaky...

    Or making convenient mistakes over and over...

    ...and over.

    The terrible sales offered in Canada is one of the worst first-world-problem problems plaguing our country.

    And it's due time we pump our fists and demand for 75% off of Aritzia leggings.


    And don't even get us started on LCBO.

    You save your shiny loonie, LCBO.