21 Times The Kardashians Accurately Depicted What You're Like With Your Sisters

    "Don't be fucking rude!"

    1. Your sisters are the people you can be most honest with, without sounding brutal.

    2. They're the only ones that can get away with saying low-key bitchy things to you.

    3. Conversations can go from innocent to dirty in the space of 0.02 seconds.

    4. And they're the ones that are always ready to give you a reality check.

    5. Your sisters are always there for you in the times you're struggling most.

    6. You always support each other no matter what.

    7. But you know it's important to also lighten the mood from time to time.

    8. You're most comfortable and happy when you're together.

    9. And you're not afraid to be weird or let your freak flag fly.

    10. You never feel the urge to censor yourself around them.

    11. They're the ones you can talk absolute shit to.

    12. They can make you laugh better than anyone else.

    13. But you've had way too many fights that look like this.

    14. You often talk in your own unique little phrases...

    15. ...as well as giving each other special little nicknames.

    16. You constantly get compared to each other by people who probably don't know you well...

    17. ...but really, you can mimic each other like nobody else.


    18. There are times you will gang up on each other.

    19. And you definitely save the most creative insults for them.

    20. But at the end of the day, you know you'll be there for each other no matter what...

    21. ...because that's exactly what sisters are for.