27 Tell-Tale Signs It's Summer In Australia

    Good luck Australia... summer has only just begun.

    1. You're quick to run to the nearest K-Mart to buy one of these bad boys.

    2. You find yourself voluntarily going shopping so you can stand in air-conditioned comfort.

    3. Or hiding out in the beer fridge at your local bottle-o.

    4. NOTHING is safe from melting.

    5. The insects go absolutely insane.

    6. Like these fellas, who quickly become your worst enemy.

    7. And these ones who NEVER leave you alone.

    8. On the plus side, eventually you learn how to deal.

    9. But there's always those damn cicadas keeping you up at night.

    10. And this poem makes perfect sense to you.

    11. You know the weather is really heating up when you have a cool shower, only to feel instantly hot again afterwards.

    12. Or when the temperature is still in the thirties even at 11pm.

    13. FINALLY being able to indulge in delicious mangoes that don't cost you a small fortune.

    14. Delicious frozen treats are also a must.

    15. And of course it's important to stock up on these precious necessities.

    16. There's the excitement as cricket and tennis season kicks off.

    17. And there's nothing quite like a summer BBQ.

    18. As it gets warmer, you start being branded by the thing that was meant to keep you safe.

    19. As well as trying not to burn your hands on your steering wheel.

    20. Public transport is basically like being in a fiery hellpit.

    21. And no chocolate bar is safe from the burning sun.

    22. On the plus side, you can live your life in thongs.

    23. And everyone begins smelling heavily of either sunscreen or after sun lotion.

    24. If you have a backyard, a slip 'n' slide is a must.

    25. And there are days where you feel like your cold tap isn't even functioning anymore.

    26. Basically this is an accurate depiction of the WHOLE country from late November to February.

    27. And of course, you know Australia's summer is like no other when the second lowest fire warning is "high".

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