21 GIFS That Sum Up Your HSC Year

    "Help meeeee!"

    1. When you have to decide what classes to drop or keep to make up your units.

    2. When you find out one of your prescribed readings is Shakespeare... again.

    3. When you attempt to fit all your new textbooks in your bag and instantly regret it.

    4. When you discover you have to do a speech as an assessment task in basically every class.

    5. And when you discover all your major works are due at a similar time.

    6. When you have to go on one last bonding camp with your year group and learn about study habits and stress techniques.

    7. When you realise too late that Food Tech is basically all theory in year 12.

    8. When you finally get "free periods" but realise you should be using them to go study.

    9. When you finish your trial HSC exams and learn the real thing is going to be harder than you originally thought.

    10. When you start analysing and trying to find the deeper meaning to everything due to losing your mind over your English class.

    11. Or when you can't even look at a goddamn leaf without seeing a cross-section of its cell wall, after a double period of biology.

    12. When you turn 18 and you can't party as hard as you want to because of the bloody HSC.

    13. When by October, you realise you've spent more time in the library than anywhere else...

    14. ... And you start to get a little tired and kooky because of it.

    15. When you apply for early entry for uni and only get "conditional" - meaning you have to achieve certain marks to get into your course.

    16. When you inevitably come down with some sort of illness right before the final HSC exams.

    17. And then you suffer EXTREME hand cramps for the whole duration of the exams.

    18. When you finally finish your last exam and it's the BEST feeling in the world!

    19. And then you remember you still have to wait for your results.

    20. But the thought of year 12 formal and Schoolies can easily distract you.

    21. And no matter how stressful the year seemed to be, looking back in hindsight, parts of it were still pretty damn great.