Here's Everything That Went Down On Episode 2 Of "Bachelor In Paradise"

    Apart from the bottle of wine I just drank.

    Good evening. Remember where we left off last night? No, this isn't me booty calling you. Much.

    Michael-not-Malcolm Turnbull reckons it's a dick move from Jake, because dogging da boiz is never a good thing.

    Meanwhile Jake and Flo go on their date. "I can't remember the last time I did a bush hike," Jake says. "Me neither," Flo replies in a monotone. The sexual chemistry is palpable.

    Back at the resort, Davey is going through actual torture knowing Jake and Flo are on a date.

    Davey probably shouldn't worry so much though, because Jake and Flo have now had to pop open the champagne to pretend they even like each other that much.

    I'm sorry to break the following news to you, but let's rip off the bandaid. A new man has entered the resort. Normally this is bad enough news on its own, but the rumours are true. Uncle Sam has desperately flung himself through the double doors of paradise.

    Uncle Sam decides it’s time to go chat to Keira because she’s the only girl who hasn’t made a solid connection yet.

    Flo and Jake return from their date, and Davey is still pissed off.

    INTERMISSION: Here's Michael in singlets that don't fit him.

    Laurina saves us from this eye-rolling love triangle to strut into paradise. Since having to deal with the trauma of Blake Garvey and his dirty street pie, she's taken to writing down positive affirmations every day.

    Laurina has been given a date card, and proves people can't always change – because she decides to take douchey Blake on the date.

    Meanwhile, Tara is losing it because of some terrible storyline to do with Brett, the guy who's convinced he's appeared on a season of The Bachelorette before.

    Osher pops out of his cryogenic freezing vault to let everyone know the rose ceremony is happening.

    Jake pulls Flo aside for some smooth-talking action about how much fun he had on their date.

    Two guys get beheaded at the rose ceremony.

    Next week: Jarrod finally arrives, Keira cries (potentially) over Jarrod, and Flo regrets giving Jake the Snake a rose. Until then...