Here's What Happened On Episode 2 Of "The Bachelorette"

    Starting to think Uncle Sam's nephews would be more mature than he is.

    Welcome back! Did you miss tonight's episode or had to switch it off because all the men were getting too annoying?

    We opened with the boys casually chilling in the mansion, waiting for that glorious date card.

    The first single date went to Jarrod, the winemaker!

    ...we had to flash to Uncle Sam having a whinge!

    Back to Sophie and Jarrod: Look, the heights thing didn't work out for them.

    As the boys waited for Jarrod to come home, Uncle Sam continued to have a good whinge.

    The group date was a photo shoot of iconic couples from history... like Richie Strahan and Alex Nation!

    Sophie and Jourdan then dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde, while some other forgetful names stood behind them as the police.

    At the cocktail party, we learned the men are bitchier than any of the ladies from last season!

    Just kidding! One guy still got kicked out.

    Next week: Sophie's parents go undercover to see how the boys act when she's not around.