22 Stories That Prove It's The Little Things That Count

    Prepare to weep and then feel all snuggly inside.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the kindest, most supportive things their friends have done for them. Here are some of their most heart-warming responses...

    1. "My grandmother got really ill during my last year of university. Since I was the only family member who didn't have a full time job, I moved 150km to become her full time carer. I finished my assignments from my grandmother's house and submitted them online. I went back to my old university house for one night to stay with my friends for our grad ball, which happened to coincide with my birthday. While I was showering and drying my hair, my friends set up a table filled with cakes, party food, and a tonne of thoughtful gifts. They knew that after months of caring for someone else, I might need a little looking after myself." — hollym43abe8cbe

    2. "I do my laundry before I go to work, and one day I didn’t have enough time to put the sheets back on my bed. After finishing my 10 hour shift at 1am, all I wanted to do was sleep. I was dreading the idea of having to make my bed when I got home. When I got to my apartment and opened my bedroom door, I found that my bed had been made. I almost cried. My roommate had noticed the sheets in my laundry bag and she'd taken the time to make my bed for me. It may seem like something very small, but it was a lovely gesture. I'm so lucky to have her in my life." — icruz19

    3. "I had just come out of a bad relationship. My best friend dedicated the day to helping me pack and move my stuff out of our flat. She brought me Tupperware from her parents' house to pack up my stuff and helped me sort through everything. Then, once I'd officially left, she ordered Chinese food and had a bottle of wine waiting for me. She even had my favorite movie ready to play when I got to her house. She’s one top notch lady." — elliottc3

    5. "My sister died in a tragic accident last year when she was swept away by the sea whilst on holiday. Two months later, as I had planned before the accident, I left to go traveling alone. While I was in Australia, I became scared of the water so my friend held my hand and took the plunge with me, never leaving my side, no questions asked. We’d only known each other for two weeks, but after that, I knew I could count on her for anything." — memley

    6. "In sophomore year of college, I found out my longterm, long-distance boyfriend had cheated on me. I was a complete wreck, but had to go play in a tournament. When I got back, I found that my two roommates had cleaned every trace of my ex from my room. No more teddy bears, no more photos, no more notes, and no more clothes. I started crying again because I felt so relieved I didn’t have to purge it all myself. To this day, they remain my two best friends." — aledakay

    7. "When I found out my family was moving house while I was in college, my friend jumped in the car with me and road-tripped it back to my hometown. We blasted music the whole trip there, and she made me laugh through all my worries. When we went to see the house that my parents had bought, she pointed out all the positive things that I was definitely having a hard time seeing. It made the transition out of my childhood home ten times easier, and I’m forever thankful for it." — justdontdoit

    9. "Last year, when I was completely down on myself about not having a boyfriend on Valentine's Day, my roommate went out and bought my a bouquet of roses, chocolate heart shaped candy, and a card. I walked into my room and instantly started crying. It was probably the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for me. That day, I knew she’d be my friend for life." — indiam4f9434cbd

    10. "I was in London when my dad passed away. I immediately booked the first flight back to Philadelphia the next day. I called my best friend and left her a voice mail about what happened. When I landed the next day, she was waiting for me at arrivals with flowers and coffee. She said. 'I got your message. I couldn’t get a hold of your mom or sister, so I just looked up all of the flights arriving from London today.' She took the entire day off of work just to wait for me." — RachelSem

    11. "My college friend and I lived in the same city some after graduating. We were close but not super close because we had both married and we lived in our own little worlds. One day, I found out that my husband had been cheating on me. I didn’t see the signs and was paralysed with sadness, grief, and anger after finding out. I called her, sobbing. She didn’t skip a beat and said, 'You need to get out of there. I’m coming over right now.' When he left me for the other woman, she let me move into her spare bedroom for two months before I could get an apartment. She comforted me, she cried with me on the kitchen floor at 2am, and she listened to my sadness with all the support in the world. I don’t know if she truly knows how much she helped me through the most difficult moments of life." — mer540

    13. "My mother died unexpectedly at the beginning of the year. My two best friends, who live hours away from my home town, drove down to help me during the funeral, offer emotional support, and take care of me. Then months later, after my mother’s house had been ransacked by thieves because I couldn’t handle dealing with her estate right after the funeral, they both returned to help me clean up what was left. Neither of them passed comment about how I should have taken care of things sooner and I will always appreciate that." — Minerva9544

    14. "A couple of years ago I badly broke my elbow and I was in hospital with a metal scaffold in my arm. I was getting inordinately stressed about missing the Doctor Who season finale and one evening my best friend came in with his iPad. He just sat by my bed reading as I watched the episode. He'd had a long day at work and instead of chilling out at home, he came and sat with me while I ignored him and watched the program." — Tom McAteer, via Facebook

    15. "Earlier this year, my dad died from kidney, lung, brain, and spine cancer. My best friends got me a card to show that they were there for me. They asked the whole of my school year to sign it. They also went round school and told my teachers what had happened so that I wouldn’t have to relive the experience. They're the best people around." — tashaj27

    17. "The first year after losing my dad was tough and I just couldn’t find my way out of the black hole. My best friend could see this and she did the sweetest thing imaginable: She put together a care package of snacks, socks and things to occupy my mind on the day. She also put in a card which managed to make me laugh and cry and it really brought some light to the darkest time of my life. She is the most loyal, amazing, beautiful person I have ever met and I know that no matter what she has my back." — laurenpikac

    18. "Two years ago my longterm boyfriend broke up with me. I was devastated. That first night, my roommate slept on the couch so she could hear me. At one point, I woke up and couldn’t control the crying. She came in and spent the rest of the night sleeping on my floor — just so I knew I wasn’t alone." — triciar41e0d64b0

    19. "My best friend drove me to a job training session which was an hour away because I didn’t have a car. He then wandered around the city for an entire four hours while he waited for me, and then he drove me home. The same guy drove with me for six hours to New York because I didn’t want to stay alone after my shoot. Again, he wandered the city for the entire ten hour gig. He’s my boyfriend of two years now." — julietfessel

    21. "My father suddenly passed away when I was 15-years-old. I missed a week of school. When I got back, I found out that my best friend had gone to every one of my teachers, collected all of my homework for the week, and arranged it by class in a binder for me so I didn't have to worry about it. It may seem like a small thing, but it was such a thoughtful gesture at a time when most people had no idea what to do or say to me. It's something I still remember 20 years later." — Andrea Vaughn, via Facebook

    22. "My best friend and I met when we were 10-years-old. In the middle of my second year at Harvard, I had a stress-induced meltdown. Around the same time, my mother sold her engagement ring. She never wore it, so she didn’t think it would matter if she sold it. She didn't know how crushed I was. My best friend was there with when she told me about it and, because of the grad school nerves, I lost it. A couple months (and panic attacks) later, my best friend told me he had something to give me. It was my mother’s art deco, ruby engagement ring. I thought I’d never see it again. Turns out, he had called the jeweler my mother had sold it to on the same night my mom told us about selling it. They had already removed the ruby and it was due to be melted down for scrap. He had the ruby re-set and bought it back. He told me that next time I started stressing about grad school, I should look down at my hand and know that I was loved. I wept. I performed at his wedding to his husband three years ago, and he will be giving the Man of Honor speech at my wedding this coming June." — madelinedesantis

    Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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