23 Little Things People Who Do Pilates Just Get

    "Can I just stay in the child's pose forever, please?"

    1. The first time you go, you realise that you've been standing up wrong for your entire life.

    2. And then you learn what standing up straight feels like and it's kinda mind-blowing.

    3. Once you've had your posture corrected, you'll think about the way you're standing all the time — even when you're not at Pilates.

    4. There will inevitably be one 6'2" woman with hair down to her waist and the bum of a Greek goddess in your class.

    5. You'll feel very conscious of how your gym clothes are less professional-looking than everyone else's and you haven't painted your toenails in forever.

    6. When you first do a plank, your whole body will shake.

    7. And, for some reason, your wrists will really hurt.

    8. And doing leg circles will make you want to cry.

    9. Sometimes you will think you're doing the exact same pose as your teacher, and then you'll look in the mirror and realise you're literally not.

    10. And there'll be times when you'll follow everything the teacher is saying, until they just ask something unreasonable of you.

    11. When you're doing mat work, it'll feel a bit like you're giving yourself a back massage at the beginning.

    12. But that feeling will wear off.

    13. Doing a rollover looks like the easiest thing in the world, but it is actually impossible.

    14. But doing a roll back is somehow even more painful.

    15. You'll find it incredibly infuriating when people ask whether Pilates is the same as yoga.

    16. And you'll hate your teacher a little bit more with every leg count they make you do.

    17. But there'll also be moments when you suddenly do a pose you didn't know you could do, and you'll feel great.

    18. And you'll start to notice your muscles getting firmer.

    19. Also you do get to lie down on a mat in between doing horrible stretches, which is kind of cool.

    20. As soon as you get home from your Pilates class, you'll make the people you live with try out all the poses you did.

    21. So even if your knees are bruised the next day...

    22. ... and it physically hurts you to sneeze...

    23. ... it's definitly worth it.