14 Times Lee Ryan Was Utterly Adorable On Twitter

    Follow @LeeRyanMusic. Go on. Do it. You won't regret it.

    1. Sometime Lee Ryan tweets about "writing story's".

    2. Sometimes he rubbishes poncy food.

    3. And once he nearly lost his liver.

    4. But Lee Ryan's at his best when he's feeling philosophical.

    5. Which is quite a lot of the time.

    6. Actually, it's most of the time.

    7. He's a massive Britney fan.

    8. He's got a lot of feelings.

    9. And he's still looking for <3 The One <3.

    10. Really, he's just a big bundle of love.

    11. Who had some really cool childhood friends.

    12. And LOLs at ice creams called "bum bum"!!!

    13. But, don't worry. He'll save the world one day.

    14. By spreading real spiritual messages of love & freedom.