• Viral badge

14 Really, Really β€” Like, REALLY β€” Good Things That Happened This Week

Our collective serotonin levels: πŸ“ˆ.

1. These polar opposite sisters went absolutely VIRAL:

2. This Director of Office Morale got his very own brochure feature:

3. This coworker announced he was leaving the company, and honestly, we have to stan:

This how my coworker left us 😭

4. HE PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dog screams like this when anything inconveniences him

5. This TikTok, I justβ€”:

6. AAAAAAND THIS ONE?!?!?! This is honestly sick at this point:

7. These parents really committed to The Bitβ„’:

called my parents yesterday extremely concerned about the hurricane & asked them to take the cats & go up north for the weekend. they assured me they were fine and that no matter what they’d take care of my cats. I got this txt today(yes that’s hose water and no im not amusedπŸ˜‚)


Your daily dose of antidepressant

9. This lil' one tried mango for the first time and was NOT disappointed:

here’s a video of my niece trying a mango for the first time 😊

10. Sasha here was quite intrigued by a home security camera:

This is Sasha. She used to be in charge of looking out this window. Decided to confront her replacement. 13/10 just wants to talk

11. This kitters tried to comfort his hooman in the best way he knew how:

12. This wholesome video singlehandedly restored my faith in humanity:

Got off the train in Short Hills and witnessed this β€œrich person” gem. πŸ˜‚

13. This boy became the hero we all need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14. And lastly, Rep. Ilhan Omar was welcomed back to Minnesota in the sweetest, most perfect way:

Ugly crying. This is @IlhanMN arriving back in Minnesota.