14 Very Goob Dog Posts From This Week That Can Only Be Described As "Very Goob"

    Very, very, VERY goob.

    1. This lil' dogini got a very dapper DIY raincoat:

    So my dog needed to pee, and it was raining, so this was my mom’s solution

    2. This floofer got dressed for a glitter-drenched vacay in Ibiza!!!!!!!!

    3. This pupper simply went for a leisurely stroll:

    The most surprising 15 seconds of my life by far


    My Damn dog jumped into the McDonald’s drive through 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂 KILO !!

    5. This interspecies communication exchange occurred, baffling scientists and onlookers alike:

    idk who’s dog this is but i think he just sup nodded me and now i think we’re dating

    6. And the cultural epidemic of cheesing took over our furry frens!!!!!!!!

    I tried the cheese challenge on my baby .. he’s too slick.

    7. HE DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!

    In my 3 days on Tik Tok, I have found the greatest video on the internet🤩

    8. This microboye did THAT:

    9. This pupperoni got tucked into bed with several layers for EXTRA. SNUGGLY. SNOOZLES.

    “You really let your dogs sleep on your bed 🤢?” Me, a dog enthusiast:

    10. This boofer sipped on some Yee Yee Juice™:

    11. This golden got h*ckin' BAMB**ZLED!!!!!!!!!

    Me: I think I did pretty good on that test Also me looking at my grade online the next day:

    12. Roxy here sported a very ~stylish~ and ~practical~ hat on this chilly day:

    LMFAOOO so my mom made a lil hat for Roxy today since it was a lil chilly I hope y’all enjoy 😊

    13. This boyo made his way downtown, walked fast, doggos passed, he was Homeward Bound:

    This is Colt. He’s making his way downtown. Has a very big interview, but afterwards he pawmises he’ll be home bound. 14/10

    14. And lastly, this guard boye worked very hard and served as a weekend #mood for all of us: