14 Cat Posts From This Week That'll Make You Smile, Laugh, And Sneeze If You're Allergic

    ***WARNING: contains chomnks and chimken nuggies***

    1. This week, cats and their red carpet attire made a big splash:

    Most of human existence is bad now but I do like that we take cats to red carpets now and sometimes dress them in tiny formal attire.

    2. As did Barsik, the 41-POUND adoptable behemoth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We just received a 41 pound cat! Barsik is extremely obese and needs a home that can help him get to an ideal weight. He is too big for our housing so is resting in the office. Come by Manhattan ACC at 110th/2nd.

    3. This kitters managed to get himself into the shower, but not out:

    When I hear a thump in the bathroom I know he’s leaped from the toilet onto and over the shower door and also he has no way out unless I set him free

    4. THIS ALLERGY BOYE!!!!!!!

    5. This old footage surfaced of a v good chungus communicating in sign language!!!!!!!

    Cat uses sign language to communicate with deaf owner

    6. This cato got vacuumed:

    nothing makes me miss home like the periodic videos of my dad vacuuming my cat

    7. He became an *~IMMORTALIZED CERAMIC CHOMNK~*:

    Snapped an accidental yawn-smile. Immortalized it in ceramic. Morning coffee will never be the same.

    8. And in other news, science gave us our first look at a real black hole!!!

    First video of a black hole and what happens when you cross the event horizon.

    9. As well as a purrfect Fibonacci Cat™:

    10. This foster mama welcomed a new nugget to her family!!!!!!!!

    11. This catito squidged his paw:

    12. SHE!!! STEAL!!!!! THE!!!!!!! NUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    13. This Slo-Mo Boye™ made *quite* the impressive play:

    14. And lastly, this guy got five stars on Yelp: