14 Times People Had The Absolute Best (And Most Brutal) Comebacks

    Have you tried "thoughts and prayers" to heal that burn?

    1. This perfect response to an unsolicited d*ck p*c:

    2. This little kid's BRUUUUUTAL response to "I love you":

    3. This sad, sad burn that hurts because it's true 😢😢😢:

    4. This ancient Chinese burn:

    5. This #harshtruth:

    6. This student's absolute SNAP:

    7. This double standard:

    8. This comment that ended anti-vaxxers 2k19:

    9. This burn that basically turned a pathetic quest for nudes into a sad, sad fanfic:

    10. This comment defending a national treasure:

    11. This thought to ponder:

    12. This absolute verbal murder brought to you by Gordon Ramsay's daughter:

    13. This annihilation from an unsatisfied girlfriend:

    14. And lastly, this sarcastic comment that really fed us Americans:

    H/T r/MurderedByWords