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18 Strange Things That I Swear Have Actually Happened At Walmart

Tag yourself: I'm the mom in #5.

1. This casual MMA fight.

2. This reasonably priced good boye!!!

3. This concise customer service announcement.

Facebook: video.php

4. This bathroom decor.

5. This mom who's just trying to run some fucking errands!!!!!!!!!!!

6. This cryptic hidden message in these sticky boyes...

7. This family portrait.

8. This big ol' fish that was purchased from Walmart. It's 11-years-old and has a 60-gallon tank!!!!!!

9. This run-in with Arnold Schwarzenegger at register 14!

10. This unfortunate milk mishap. :/

11. This truly inspiring display of patriotism.

12. This lovely li'l nest o' duckos!!!!!!!*

13. This Michael Cera spotting.

14. This extra cargo.

15. This infant who has clearly seen some shit.

16. This parking lot watch tower.

17. This message from management.

18. And finally, this gorgeous self-portrait that was left on tablet in the tech aisle.