"Siblings Or Dating?" Is My Favorite Instagram Account To Come Out Of 2020, And You Need To Follow It

    Well, which is it gonna be?

    Hi, have you seen the Instagram account @siblingsordating?

    It's literally just an account where you guess whether the look-alikes in the photos are siblings or if they're dating.

    And ya know what? I'M COMPLETELY INVESTED IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How it works is @siblingsordating posts stories where they poll the audience on whether they think the two people in the picture are — you guessed it — siblings or dating. And things get ***VERY*** heated.

    This was the story that particularly set me off the other day:

    Standardly, they zoom in on the sibling/couple duo's features so we can compare. Here's the girl:

    And the guy:

    HER eyes:

    HIS eyes:

    The audience then casts their vote:

    Me, voting "siblings," because obviously:

    And now, the reveal............

    Like, EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



    I can't.

    Anywho, now that you're hooked, let's play one more round!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's our next sibling/couple duo:



    Their EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NOW POLLING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Drumroll pls...............

    THEY'RE DATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There are no words.

    In conclush, if this gave you any sort of serotonin, please go follow @siblingsordating. They have made my life so much better, and made me aware that at the end of the day, we all just wanna doink ourselves.

    Thank you, @siblingsordating. Thank you.