17 "The Sexual Tension Between..." Tweets That Are Just Too Painfully Accurate

    OK, but why is it so hot when a doctor listens to your heartbeat?!

    Here are a bunch of those ~trendy~ "the sexual tension between..." tweets that honestly just hit HARD for me. If you think these are funny and/or sadly relate to them, be sure to follow the accounts to make your Twitter timeline a funnier place!!! 😌


    the sexual tension between the moon and the ocean


    the sexual tension between me and the leave meeting button


    the sexual tension between drunk me and me in the mirror


    the sexual tension between you and the other person your age at the airport flying solo


    the sexual tension between my lighter and my neighbors trump flag


    The sexual tension between you & the person looking at the same painting as you in the art museum


    the sexual tension between me and the instagram story of a person i do not follow ..........


    the sexual tension between you and your doctor listening to your heartbeat


    the sexual tension between you and the waitress jk there is no sexual tension she's just doing her job and you're making everyone uncomfortable


    the sexual tension between the films in my watchlist and my very short attention span


    the sexual tension between two characters who have barely interacted in canon but im going to ship anyway


    the sexual tension between you & no one bc no one wants you


    The sexual tension between me after I have tequila and literally any person I make eye contact with


    the sexual tension bw u and the ticket person at the movies... don’t rip the ticket like that- don’t look at me


    the sexual tension between me and the mirror after im done getting ready


    the sexual tension between character a who is injured and character b who is tenderly cleaning up their wounds while berating them for being so reckless....


    the sexual tension between me and leaving the country to start a new life