15 Roommates Who Deserve To Be Publicly Shamed On The Internet, And I Mean That

    If you've committed any of the following Roommate Crimes™, please seek help.

    1. This roommate who took NO 👏 RISKS 👏:

    2. This roommate who seemingly mastered physics:

    3. This guy who played a harmless lil' prank, that's all!!!

    4. This roommate who simply did not read:

    5. This roommate who's "still alive," or so he reports:

    6. This roomie who did what any good roommate in his position would (and frankly, should!) do 😌:

    Roommate has date coming by later and asked me to clean bc he's not home. So I made a Princess D shrine in his room

    Twitter: @Deno_Tron

    7. These roommates who innocently spread Christmas cheer!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i don’t like christmas and i’ve been gone for a week so my roommates wrapped... everything? that i own???

    Twitter: @gulickhannah

    8. This cohabitant who — bless their heart — has so, so, SOOOOOO much to learn:

    Everyone feel free to roast my roommate who thought oatmeal cookies are just baked oatmeal

    Twitter: @LateNightNelly

    9. This guy who did The Unthinkable™:

    10. This cohabitant who left what could only be described as a ✨copious offering✨:

    11. This roomie who ALMOST built this bookshelf correctly (emphasis on ALMOST):

    12. This diligent roommate who was perhaps a little too clean???????

    13. This roommate who commited a true war crime:

    14. Mhmmmmm.........:

    My roommate eats fruit really weird

    Twitter: @yungbrownboi

    15. And lastly, this roommate who at least showed a liiiiiiittle compassion:

    just got dumped and my roommate is trying to make me feel better by playing cards with me but she just keeps winning and whispering “sorry”

    Twitter: @ameliaelizalde