27 Real-Life Easter Eggs To Make You Say, "Wow, How Have I Missed That All These Years?!"

    Open your eyes, won't ya?!?!?!?!

    1. This lil' hidden lizzie on this Jeep:

    2. These ~~~cheeky~~~ jokes from British school books:

    3. This cable that compares itself to the wingspan of a pterodactyl??????

    4. This cute lil' design moment from Cadbury:

    5. This itty bitty concrete Han Solo:

    6. This barcode on a grill that looks like — you guessed it! — a GRILL!!!!!!

    7. This literal ✨seal✨:

    8. This Cardi Bench™:

    9. This pet store peek-a-boo:

    10. This face wash that validated us all 😌:

    11. This lil' life hack for ya!!!!!!!

    12. This Lite™ act of protest from the people over at Patagonia:

    13. This barcode that's just trying to fit in!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. This extremely dapper fire hose thingy!!!!!!!!

    15. This tiny ode to the 30th century:

    16. This water jug with its many uses!!!!!!!!

    17. This Cow Tales box, complete with cutesy instructions!!!

    18. Just...this sign:

    19. Google's cryptic old slogan, but ✨inside a keyboard✨:

    20. ALWAYS 👏 READ 👏 THE 👏 FINE 👏 PRINT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

    21. This residential nod to gamers everywhere!!!!!!!!!

    22. This brownie pan that has made me crave a brownie like NEVER BEFORE...

    23. This supplement delivery box with ✨BIG DREAMS!!!!!!!!✨

    24. This brilliant example of self-awareness:

    25. This sweet shoutout to Phylis!!!!!!!!!

    26. This solution for what to do with a 4-day-old baguette!!!

    27. And lastly, this sneaky lil' compliment tag 😌💕:

    H/T: r/IRLEasterEggs