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19 Ominously Terrifying Photos That The Internet Unfortunately Exposed Me To Recently


1. This picture of New York City from when it was ranked #1 for worst air quality in the world after the Canadian wildfires:

A yellow-orange haze enveloping New York

2. This utterly harrowing Circumstraint™ that's used to restrain infants during circumcision:


3. The difference in interiors between the EYOS Explorations submersible (as featured in the National Geographic documentary Back to The Titanic) and the OceanGate Titan submersible:

Interior of the EYOS Explorations and OceanGate Titan submerssibles

4. This plant that's so poisonous it's literally been caged:

"The world's most dangerous plant"

5. This bridge that carries trains back and forth 24/7 despite looking like THIS...?!?!?!! Like, are people gonna do something or.......?

A rusted bridge

6. This clown mask that survived a wildfire.......UNFORTUNATELY!!!!!!!!

A Pennywise mask

7. These brine pools (so like, salt) that exist at the bottom of the ocean:

Brine pool in the ocean

8. This "dental phantom" that was used to teach dentists back in the day:

A head used for dentists

9. This extremely concerning phone notification...like, what is this supposed to mean...?!

"Library of faces that aren't people"

10. This freaky cabin thing that was built in the 18th century that's one of the oldest buildings in Nordland, Norway:

a cabin in the woods

11. This doll collection that I have to assume bears curses:

A massive doll collection

12. This streetlamp that has absolutely zero business looking the way it does:

A street lamp covered in moss

13. THIS VAN......??!?!?!!

A van with a scary mask on the dash

14. This waterpark getting built in Qatar that's ominous, and very much so at that:

A water park being built

15. This yard:

Lots of items in a front yard

16. This casual summer day in Texas:

A storm in the sky

17. These potatoes that were left in this container for two years and "sprouted" in the most horrific way imaginable:

Sprouted potatoes


A massive water bubble in the ceiling

And laaaaastly:

19. Ummmmm...?

"This container transports a disease which has no cure"