My New Obsession Is Dogs In Strollers, So Guess What This Post Is About?

    🚲 M O B I L E B O Y E S 🚲

    1. So, I'm obsessed with dogs in strollers now.

    2. I've seen a BUNCH this past week, and frankly, my maternal instincts kicked in all at once.

    3. I just can't stop fantasizing about wheeling a dog around my local CVS...???

    4. Like, "Hey guys, it's just me and Sue Ellen — my future pug's name, if you were curious — strollin' down the sinus relief aisle! Gotta have our Mucinex!"

    5. Or perhaps we'd have a lil' adventure to the alligator exhibit?!

    6. Or maybe we'd go to the beach and watch the sunset together...

    7. ...or meet up with friends for a scenic park tour, perchance??? The possibilities are truly ENDLESS!!!!!!!!

    8. Sometimes, I get a little carried away thinking about MULTIPLE dogs in one stroller. It just takes a lot out of me TBH.

    9. I also spend a lot of time marinating on this picture specifically.

    10. And this POV action:

    11. And this ✨SPOILED✨ license plate moment!!!

    12. UGH. Doggos in strollers are just...perfect.

    13. Quite honestly, I just want to live with them in there.

    14. And give them ice packets to lie on when it's hot out.

    15. Because THIS? This right here is The Stuffâ„¢, my friend:

    16. In conclusion, we do not deserve dogs in strollers, and yet, here they are.

    17. Don't heckin' @ me in the comments.