17 Times Mother Nature Was So Thicc She Almost Stole Your Man

    Photoshop or photosynthesis?

    1. This bonsai binch who'll steal your man and your soil's nutrients πŸ’:

    2. The only "rock bottom" Seth From Tumblr is tryna hit:


    4. These DUMB THICC mammatus clouds, or as one internet user called them, "sky titties":

    5. Photoshop or photosynthesis?!

    6. #RootsAndGlutes2k18

    7. This ~SPOOKY THICC~ pumpkin thirst trap:

    fellas, ur girl outta town n this pumpkin just sittin there in ur backyard lookin spooky thicc. wyd????😳😳😳

    8. *goes hiking* *only takes pics of trees that look like butts*

    9. These straight-up NSFW roots:

    10. This rock mami who has a ~sickness for the thiccness~:

    11. These BonZaddiesβ„’ 😏:

    damn.... these plants are THICC πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜©πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

    12. WHO IS SHE:

    13. My house plant after sending a "U up?" text:

    14. WHAT πŸ‘ IS πŸ‘ GRANDMA πŸ‘ WATERING πŸ‘ HER πŸ‘ GARDEN πŸ‘ WITH πŸ‘ AND πŸ‘ WHERE πŸ‘ CAN πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ GET πŸ‘ SOME πŸ‘:

    15. #JunkInTheTrunk #TREETrunkThatIs #HEEEEEYYYYOOOOOO

    new plant thicc as hell πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    16. Snail included for accurate scale of thiccness:

    17. And lastly, the low-key thicc molecular formation of water: