12 Different Beliefs About Lunar Eclipses From Around The World

    The Navajo people believed lunar eclipses restored balance to the world.

    So, tomorrow night is kind of a BIG 👏 ASTRONOMICAL 👏 DEAL. 👏 There's gonna be a blood moon, the LOOOOONGEST eclipse of the CENTURY; Mars will be the closest its been in 15 YEARS; AAAAAAND — for my astrology lovers out there — Mercury will still be in dreaded retrograde.

    I know a bunch of my horoscope-obsessed friends are feeling a lil' anxious about the impending planetary alignment, so I figured I'd do a Deep Dive™ into the different cultural interpretations of the blood moon eclipse. Ya know, in hopes that not all of them are bad. ANYWAY, here's what I found:

    1. The Incas

    2. The Hupa tribe

    3. Wiccans

    4. Mesopotamians

    5. Hindus

    6. Vikings

    7. Christians

    8. Astrologers

    9. Vietnamese

    10. The Luiseño tribe

    11. The Batammaliba people

    12. The Navajo tribe