16 People Who Were UNTHINKABLY Entitled, Inconsiderate, Or Just Plain Heartless With Money

    *overdraws bank account by $99 billion*

    1. When this person's account was overdrawn by $99 billion:


    2. This driver who accepted this ride and then *promptly* demanded the passenger cancel it.......?

    "you cancel"


    "A raise in pay."

    4. This nasty lil' restaurant-goer who left a nasty lil' remark and an even NASTIER lil' tip:

    "Be patient... or get a desk job"

    5. This bill for a liver transplant which ever so kindly offers the option to pay $32,484.12 monthly instead of everything all at once 😩🙏:

    Screenshot of someone's hospital transplant bill

    6. And same thing for this bill for emergency open heart surgery:

    "Thank you for choosing Memorial Hermann for your healthcare needs."

    7. When this person "paid" their tip with THIS:

    8. This THIEF who opened someone's birthday card and STOLE THE MONEY OUT OF IT:

    An opened birthday card

    9. This restaurant with a $7.78 "Kids Eat Free" policy:

    "Kids Eat Free $7.78"

    10. When a waiter changed this person's $7 tip to an $87 tip despite them writing the real total — $45.23 — on the receipt:

    Screenshot from someone's bill

    11. This mom who took money (without asking) from their financially insecure child to pay for her vacation:

    "Mom will return with 5% interest every month"

    12. This person who kept this person's package AND THEN TRIED TO GET THEM TO BUY IT BACK.....??!?!?!?!

    "but if you wanted to trade something for it we could work something out"

    13. When Prime Day sadly did not pull through:

    An item on Prime Day for the same price as normal

    14. This person's cousin — who's neck-deep in an MLM, I assume — who offered them 15% off on their birthday:

    "Here's a link to my newest catalogue"

    15. This expensive restaurant that automatically charged an "economic recovery fee" to people who are economically recovering themselves!!!

    "Economic Recovery Fee"

    And lastly...

    16. This time when someone tried to steal a person's Cash App card, but JOKE'S ON THEM — said person had less money that they did LOL:

    "Your $1 payment at Lyft was declined because of insufficient balance."