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16 Times Landlords Did Their Best, And By "Their Best" I Mean Not Nearly Enough

Landlords: What would we do without them?

1. This landlord who took their job very, very literally:

2. This landlord who gave a friendly heads up about ongoing building tours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. This landlord with the most effective in case of emergency plan:

4. This landlord who GOT 👏 THEIR 👏 ELEVEN 👏 CENTS!!!!!!!! 👏

5. This landlord who valued their tenants' safety above all else 😌 🙏 :

Discovered tonight that the carbon monixide alarm in our apartment hasn’t had a battery for the entire time we’ve lived here and that it was ‘plugged in’ to two slits my landlord had carved in the wall.

6. The landlord who "installed" these (quite honestly inspiring) lamps:

7. This landlord who responded to complaints of a dead rodent smell like so:

8. This landlord who installed brand-new windows!

My landlord got the house double glazed while I was away and they’ve put the kitchen window in the bathroom and the bathroom window in the kitchen

9. This landlord who technically didn't lie:

10. This landlord who had a weird flex, but OK:

11. This landlord who installed this RARE R2-D2 shower head:

12. This landlord who issued this warning to various drug-dealing tenants:

13. This landlord who left :) a :) hose!!! :)

14. This landlord who deserves an honorary mention for their pettiness:

Centrists: C’mon, folks. Stop being mean to landlords. They have human empathy, just like the rest of us. Landlords:

15. Mike the Landlord™ who kept his message clear and concise:

16. And lastly, I leave you with this possible solution to landlord problems:

Landlords be like “it’s an old building” alright then I’ll pay old rent, here’s 20 bucks it’s a fortune