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Here's A Cheat Sheet For Astrological Compatibility — You're Welcome

Your Sun signs actually don't matter THAT much.

Hey everyone! I'm Syd, BuzzFeed's resident Blue-Haired Astrology Girl™. Recently, I invited you all to DM me your astro questions on Instagram and Twitter and told you I'd answer them, so let's get to it!!!

This week's question is pretty broad but usually the first question that pops into our heads when astrology comes up, so it's DEFINITELY worth covering: Which placements and planets determine compatibility?

First off, when talking about astrological compatibility, aka "synastry," I think it's important to say that it's only a blueprint for a friendship or relationship, but that everyone is responsible for their own actions in this life. PERIOD.

But with this slight disclaimer out of the way, there are DEFINITELY some key things you can look for in your and your friends'/your crush's charts (besides just your Sun signs) that might give you a little more insight into your relationship.

First up, your Moon placements!

The general "rule" across astrology is that Fire and Air signs (as well as Fire and Fire, and Air and Air) are compatible, and Earth and Water signs (same for Earth and Earth, and Water and Water) are compatible. Like so:

Another key point for compatibility is the Venus placement.

The same elemental compatibility applies here. Additionally, if your partner's Venus is in the same sign as your Sun (or vice versa), you can be sure that there is some MAJOR attraction at play.

IMHO, Mars placements are also worth noting!!!

OK, so...what if your Moon/Venus/Mars placements are NOT compatible?!?!?!

Well, personally, I'd argue that if synastry is, like, TOO perfect, it's kinda boring. But that's a Hot Take™!

TL;DR: Ideally, you'd like your charts to line up elementally in MOST ways, but if there are a couple placements where you two don't line up, it might actually do you both some good to be challenged in that way. Just sayin'!

So, what do ✨YOU✨ think have been the most telling placements in your friendships and relationships? Sound off in the comments below!!!!!!!

And as always, if you'd like any more 💫astro advice💫, all you have to do is DM me on Instagram or Twitter for the chance to get your question answered!!!