All Of The Objects Amanda Bynes Ever Hit Drake Bell On The Head With During "Hillbilly Moment"

    "That's a good'un!"


    Who's there? It's Lula Mae and Eenis!

    In honor of the 18th anniversary of the premiere of The Amanda Show, here's an ~official~ list of every object Amanda Bynes ever hit Drake Bell on the head with in "Hillbilly Moment":

    1. A ragdoll

    2. A fish

    3. A cucumber

    4. A witch broom

    5. A beaver

    6. A large mallet

    7. A bowling pin

    8. A steering wheel

    9. A gila monster

    10. A skunk

    11. A crocodile bone

    12. A fire extinguisher

    13. A cappuccino machine

    14. A fruitcake

    15. The Liberty Bell

    16. A severed leg

    17. A sports bra

    18. A bowling ball

    19. A pink toilet

    20. A meaty loaf

    21. Strawberry shortcake

    22. A frog puppet

    23. A cement block

    24. A DVD player

    25. A head

    26. An endangered species

    27. A computer monitor

    28. And a cactus branch

    Those are all good'uns! Happy anniversary, The Amanda Show!!!