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19 Accidental Science Experiments To Make You Say, "Wow, That's Mildly Cool"

Ever seen a polished coconut before?

1. Polishing a coconut to the point where it resembles a chocolate egg:

2. Baking a cookie — if that's what you wanna call it — out of all the cookie dough globs in cookie dough ice cream:

3. Putting M&Ms in water and watching THIS happen:

4. Hitting a flag with lightning and watching the electricity spread like literal VEINS!!!

5. Quickly switching temperatures on a marble:

6. Rocking a long-sleeved shirt in 180 mph winds:

7. Taking a negative picture of a negative screen and feeling your whole life invert:

8. Harvesting a tomato from 150-year-old seeds for funsies:

9. Simply just trying to cook in Antarctica:

10. Passing light through blinds and then onto a reflective trash can:

11. Burning wood with a REEEEEEEALLY hot burner thingy:

12. Pointing a laser at transition lenses:

13. Leaving a bag of gummy bears in a VERY HOT car:

14. Leaving some potatoes in a cellar for, ya know, HALF A YEAR:

15. Leavin' some good ol' beet juice out for a bit:

16. Using a summer roll as a desk plant for approximately four days:

17. Taking off a drag queen's makeup:

18. Freezing water on a continuously spinning wheel:

19. And lastly, microwaving McDonald's fries for 30 minutes. No shocker here:

H/T r/mildlyinteresting and r/interestingasfuck