
Sep 2013
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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on 10 Reasons Why Women Everywhere Should Love Rob Delaney

    Because it's direct and to the point. If they wrote every classification of person who would like him it be like women/gay men/feminists/middle aged women/ middle aged gay men/etc. They're just lumping gay men in with women, because we like the same thing.


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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on It Gets Better, Unless You're Fat

    Well actually it is as simple as that, and I kinda have an idea, having a dietetics degree myself, which I'm guessing you do not. The weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry because of all the pills, and "quick-fix" diets people think they can use to speed up their weight… 


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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on It Gets Better, Unless You're Fat

    So you can honestly say if you ate only healthy foods and exercised daily for the rest of your life you would stay obese? No, that is simply untrue. People gain the weight back because they slow down on exercising and/or revert back to bad diets. Being obese is not a lifetime sentence… 


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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on It Gets Better, Unless You're Fat

    Actually the main reason people are overweight is lack of exercise and poor diet. Obviously there are exceptions, and I'm not talking about the people with medical issues because that's a very small percentage of the population. To say it's not as easy as changing your… 


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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on It Gets Better, Unless You're Fat

    While I understand what he's trying to say, being overweight is something you can change, being gay is not. So comparing the two, to me, seems ridiculous. Society does not coddle overweight people because you can change, it may not be easy but you can. Gay people can't change… 


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  • Suzanne0886's avatar

    Suzanne0886 commented on Some Parents Of The Kids Who Trashed An Ex-NFL Player's House Want To Sue Him Now

    Why does there need to be a website to teach people that this kind of thing is wrong? I think that should just be a given, even at that age you know that its wrong.


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