24 Photos That Will Simply Restore Your Faith In Humanity

    Just some cute things to make you smile!

    1. This note made me tear up.

    2. It certainly pays to be prepared.

    3. Meet the boyfriend of the year!

    4. I only hope he got that recipe.

    5. Just two normal, nice guys named Keanu Reeves and Jason Momoa.

    6. Trust Benedict Cumberbatch to have the most perfect response.

    7. Here's a reminder that there's a lot that we take for granted.

    8. Just look at these adorable squirrels!

    9. Some heroes have a cape, others have a tail.

    10. Here's why grandparents are the absolute best.

    11. And this has to be the most amazing Halloween costume ever!

    12. Meet Charlie, aka the best dog ever!

    13. I mean, just look at those eyes!

    14. That third kid has to be the coolest.

    15. Well done, Boston College!

    16. It's these small, cute gestures that make one the happiest.

    17. This excitement is truly palpable.

    18. Well, aren't babies the cutest?

    19. Meet Aki! Aki loves watermelons.

    20. And meet this handsome boy.

    21. Just a happy thought.

    22. And a reassuring quote.

    23. He definitely deserves a raise.

    Reddit / r/wholesome

    24. Just dogs and babies being BFFs!

    Reddit / r/aww