Twitter Is Dying Over This Woman Who Used Her Cousin's Hand For An Engagement Shoot

    "She didn't have her nails done lmao."

    Picture this: You've just been proposed to, and you want to snap that iconic photo with the ring on your finger. There's just one problem — your nails aren't done. What the heck do you do?

    Well, if you're Diana — a nurse living in Melbourne, Australia — you swap in your cousin's freshly manicured hand for the pic.

    See how great that looks? You'd never know the difference!

    The internet is going into a frenzy over this life hack, after the hand model herself, Jenna, posted the story to Twitter. The photos have gone massively viral — garnering over 750,000 likes in less than 48 hours.

    My cousin’s boyfriend proposed to her but she didn’t have her nails done lmao

    "[Diana's boyfriend] José planned the surprise proposal, and only a couple of us were in on it," Jenna told BuzzFeed.

    And Jenna explained how the impromptu photoshoot came to be:

    My cousin is a super hardworking nurse so she rarely ever gets her nails done, We were really excited about taking some photos to help her show off her ring, but she was a bit hesitant about using her own hand since she hadn’t gotten a mani.

    "We considered quickly painting her nails but in the excitement of the moment, we couldn’t wait so I suggested using my hand instead."

    People online are HERE for the ingenuity. After all, you never know when someone might pop the question!

    Some used the moment to remind their friends to NEVER let them get engaged without a manicure.

    Others started reserving their friends' hands for their own future engagements.

    And it's all a testament to the importance of having good friends in your life.

    Congrats on the engagement, José and Diana and Jenna's hand!