22 Things That Would Totally Happen If "Parks And Rec" And "The Office" Worlds Collided

    April and Creed = best friends forever.

    1. Michael Scott would become weirdly obsessed with Andy Dwyer, and would try way too hard to be his friend.

    2. ...Which means Burt Macklin and Agent Michael Scarn would almost certainly team up at some point.

    3. April and Creed would become instant BFFs.

    4. Leslie Knope would tolerate Michael just fine — but the second he said something sexist, she would swiftly put him in his place.

    5. Pam and Ann would hit it off immediately.

    6. ...But Jim would be so freaked out by how much Ann looks like his ex-girlfriend, Karen.

    7. Kelly Kapoor and Donna Meagle would have an EPIC girl's night out, that probably ends with Donna bailing Kelly out of jail.

    8. Ben Wyatt and Kevin Malone would THINK they have nothing in common — until somebody mentions calzones.

    9. Leslie would hire Pam to paint over all the problematic murals in Pawnee City Hall.

    10. Ryan Howard and Tom Haverford would try to form a startup together after binge-watching half a season of Silicon Valley.

    11. Toby and Jerry would eat lunch together in silence.

    12. Chris Traeger would go on an all-beet diet after Dwight tells him about the various health benefits that beets provide.

    13. And Angela would be SUPER attracted to Chris, but in all of her interviews she would pretend she found him annoying.

    14. Meredith would say that Chris is way too much of a pretty boy for her taste, and that she prefers a dorky guy like Ben. She would then do something completely inappropriate, like pinch Ben's ass.

    15. Ron Swanson would feel right at home on Schrute Farms, and would help Dwight and Mose take the farm completely off-the-grid so the government can't trace them.

    16. It would turn out that Ben and Jim are distant cousins.

    17. Andy Bernard would be intimidated by Ron's old-school manliness. He would ask to go hunting with Ron to impress him, but then would throw up when Ron shot a deer.

    18. The ladies of The Office would score an invite to Galentine's Day...

    19. ...And Michael would invite himself along, too.

    20. Erin would think that Leslie was cool as hell, and she'd become inspired to get into Scranton politics.

    21. Perd Hapley would do a story about the Scranton Strangler.

    22. And finally, Michael would try to impress Leslie by telling her how much he admires Ruth Bader Ginsburg — but he'd accidentally call her Darth Vader Ginsburg.