The Ten Commandments Of Texting Literally Anyone In 2018

    Thou shalt not text "k" under any circumstances.

    1. Thou shalt not use read receipts.

    2. Thou shalt ALWAYS include sufficient emojis and exclamation points in your texts:

    3. Thou shalt never send this text:

    4. And thou shalt never send this text, either:

    5. Thou shalt not start typing a response...and then stop.

    6. Thou shalt never call me five times in a row without leaving some sort of message.

    7. Thou shalt not ask me, "What are you doing tonight?" without any further context.

    8. Thou shalt not text me a super long message or I WILL have a heart attack.

    9. Thou shalt not post on Instagram if you haven't replied to my text yet.

    10. And lastly, thou shalt NEVER, EVER send the following text: