Tell Me Your Problems And I, A Stranger On The Internet, Will Fix Them All

    Let's fix your life.

    Hey, you! I've got a question for you. Do you have a PROBLEM in your life that needs a little fixing?

    I'm not asking because I'm nosey (although, let's be honest, I'm nosey as hell). I'm asking because I want to help YOU fix some problems in a new advice column on BuzzFeed.

    Who am I? My name's Stephen, I'm a writer here at BuzzFeed, and I know a thing or two about problems because I happen to have so many of them myself!

    And while I'm not technically an expert in any field whatsoever, I am very good at telling people how they should live their lives!!! But enough about me. Let's talk about YOU.

    Whether you've got a ~sex dilemma~ that you don't want to talk to anyone IRL about...

    Or an obnoxious coworker who's constantly wreaking havoc on your 9-to-5 life...

    Or a crazy family situation that has you seriously dreading the holidays this year...

    I want to help you with it ALL! So send me your wildest, strangest, and juiciest problems. They just might get featured on BuzzFeed — and we'll keep everything anonymous, of course.

    How do you reach me? My DMs are open on Twitter or Instagram, both @StephenLC. Or you can email me at Your choice, people!!!

    There's nothing quite as thrilling as airing out all your drama anonymously on the internet for everyone to see. So go on, give it a try!

    Oh, and a few important things before you write me:

    * Please include as many details about the situation as possible, but feel free to change names and identifying traits as needed.

    * I might edit your letter for length, clarity, or to protect your anonymity.

    * Advice columns are only good for problems that don't pose an immediate risk to your health and safety. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Other international suicide helplines can be found at

    Looking forward to hearing from you! Bye!