We Need To Talk About Justin Bieber's 31 Instagram Posts From The Past Two Days

    The boy has 87.7 million followers and zero chill.

    1. Justin Bieber, I love you so much. But this is an intervention.

    2. It all started two days ago. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, minding my own business.

    3. When suddenly I'm like, "Oh weird, I must have accidentally clicked on Bieber's page, because I'm only seeing his photos."

    4. But then I double-checked, and indeed, I was on my own feed.

    5. The Biebs was just posting a lot of pics.

    6. Like, a LOT of pics.

    7. Some of the pics are definitely worth a post. Like this one. Nice, Justin!

    8. This one is cute, too. It looks like Justin had fun at some sort of a river, and that's great!

    9. But now we're getting to his ninth post THAT DAY. Maybe we could have done without this:

    10. Or even this:

    11. I will literally never complain about a Justin Bieber abs shot. THIS CAN STAY, JUSTIN.

    12. But why this?

    13. What does it all mean?

    14. And as much as I like his beard, WHO IS THIS MAN?!

    15. Okay, this is fine. Vacation pictures are an Instagram staple.

    16. Cute kid! I'll allow it.

    17. But some CONTEXT would be useful here. Like, whose nose are you picking, Justin? Is he okay with it?!

    18. What did I do to deserve this?

    19. We're now at post #19, and we haven't even gotten to Day Two of this yet. ALL OF THESE POSTS WENT UP ON THE SAME DAY.

    20. What am I supposed to make of this?

    21. This pic looks at least a few years old. Why are you making it your 21st post of the day?

    22. Okay. This, I like. This belongs on Instagram.

    23. I'm less convinced that I needed to see this one. This feels like it should've been kept private.

    24. I'm just so tired, Justin.

    25. SPREAD. THEM. OUT.

    26. "SHHHHH" INDEED.

    27. So yesterday he chipped a tooth. Not sure if dental work is really Instagram-worthy, but here we are on his 27th post since WEDNESDAY.

    30. I give up.

    31. And this makes 31 posts in TWO DAYS. A screenshot of a song he likes. Justin Bieber, you're lucky I love you way too much to ever hit "unfollow."

    32. Just for fun, here's the first thing he's posted so far today. It's an abs shot, so it's officially ALLOWED.