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    28 Life Hacks You Won't Believe Nobody Told You About Until Now

    These change EVERYTHING.

    1. Drilling into the ceiling? Attach the base of a plastic cup to the drill to prevent dust and debris from getting in your eyes.

    2. Dumping the contents of your cutting board into a bowl? Flip the board around for a genius way to prevent spills.

    3. Want to protect your valuables at the beach? Stick them inside a diaper — nobody's stealing that.

    4. Have a kid who won't take their medicine? Use a juice box to fake them out.

    5. Is a company asking for your contact info? List your name as the company's name, to see which ones are selling your data.

    6. Frying something in hot oil? Cut the bottom off a two-liter soda bottle, and you've got the perfect sleeve to protect you from spatter and burns.

    7. Having trouble calculating a percentage in your head? Just flip it.

    8. Need a quick fire starter? Shove some dryer lint inside a toilet paper tube for free and easy kindling.

    9. Don't have the right size pan for the recipe? Use aluminum foil to transform any pan into the perfect size.

    10. Need a simple and effective way to tell which plug belongs to which appliance? Bread clips are here to save the day.

    11. Not enough room in your microwave? Heat two plates at once with the help of a glass.

    12. Tired of loose, open veggie bags in your freezer? Hang them from the freezer shelf using binder clips — it'll save space, too!

    13. Want an easy way to cool your wine without watering it down? Toss a few frozen grapes in the glass.

    14. Sick of trying to figure out which earbud goes in which ear? Use different color tips for left and right.

    15. Always forgetting whether or not you took your daily pill? Mark each pill on the packaging with the date and time it should be consumed.

    16. Need to keep your bag of bagels fresh? Shove the open end of the bag into the bagel hole — no ties or clips needed.

    17. Always struggling to find the right band-aid? Sort them into various sandwich bags by size, and use the bandages themselves as labels on the front.

    18. Not enough room in your oven for two frozen pizzas? Cut them into quarters, and voila! Geometry!

    19. New pair of heels causing you pain? Break them in at home with a thick pair of wool socks. It'll give them just the right amount of stretch.

    20. Always forgetting your wallet at home? Stash a $20 bill inside your phone case so you're never without cash in a pinch.

    21. Tired of looking at that unsightly wireless phone charger? Hide it inside a book for a much ~classier~ desktop.

    22. Dogs always breaking into your trash? Instead of putting your dog in a crate, put your trashcan in a crate!

    23. Not enough room in your shopping cart? Six-packs of soda bottles can be hung on the side.

    24. Bucket won't fit in the sink? Use a dustpan to fill it up instead.

    25. Worried about your little kids pinching their fingers in doors? A cut-up pool noodle will save you many tears.

    26. Got squirrels and chipmunks invading your birdfeeder? Use a slinky to make the pole impossible to climb.

    27. Sick of the mess in your gift-wrapping drawer? Cut a toilet paper tube for an easy way to keep wrapping paper from unraveling.

    And finally...

    28. Got a dirty screen door? A lint roller is your new best friend.

    Want more genius life hacks you never knew about? Check out 26 Life Hacks You'll Wish You Knew About Sooner.