23 Punishments That Would Totally Exist In A Less-Evil Version Of Hell Called Heck

    "Both sides of the pillows are always hot."

    This week, a Reddit thread posed a rather ~evil~ challenge to users: "You've been put in charge of running Heck, an afterlife for terrible people who aren't quite evil enough to get into Hell. What are some of the tortures you design?"

    The conversation quickly went viral, as people started imagining the annoying little ways you could make Heck an enternal, horrible nuisance for people. Here are some of the best:

    1. "Their socks keep falling down inside their shoes."

    2. "Everyone's speech is lagging one second behind their lip movements."


    3. "Laundry is still ever so slightly damp."


    4. "All earbuds will have one side broken."

    5. "A TV with one channel: a logo bouncing around that never hits the corner."


    6. "Tables and chairs will always be a little bit wobbly."


    7. "Forcing them to stare at cups that are way too close to the edge. Like almost falling. But they aren't."

    8. "Everything has a layer of dust but there is no way to clean any of it unless you wipe it off with your hands. This leads to there still being some dust always stuck in cracks and corners that will never be reachable."


    9. "You get a new pair of shoes, but one shoe's sole is 1/4-inch thicker than the other."


    10. "You have to listen to someone incorrectly explain to someone else how to use a piece of technology that you are an expert at."

    11. "They have to eternally scroll down a Facebook feed with nothing but repetitive baby photos and overshared Minion memes."


    12. "I make an amazing and addictive TV series with ups, downs, success, failure, love, hate, and everything in between. Great storylines, great characters, everything is amazing. And on the day the series is supposed to end, before the finale airs that gives a satisfying ending to everyone, I cancel it."


    13. "Both sides of their pillows are always hot."

    14. "Dinner is a nice, succulent, juicy steak, say a two-inch cut of porterhouse or ribeye. Baked potatoes on the side, along with some asparagus. A perfect red wine is paired with the steak. Everything is covered in ketchup."


    15. "All beds have only the scratchiest of wool blankets, and they're too short to cover your feet and upper torso at the same time."


    16. "'Baby Shark' playing on repeat all the time."

    17. "You constantly feel slightly nauseous and all the floors are trampolines."


    18. "Their phone cord constantly connects and disconnects every couple seconds while they’re sleeping and buzzes each time it reconnects."


    19. "Every pen is almost out of ink. The ones where you have to scribble heaps for it to work and then you can only write about 3 letters."

    20. "The toilet paper isn't in arms length of the seat."


    21. "All screens are slightly greasy and can't be cleaned."


    22. "During every meal, at least one bite always falls off the fork right before you bite."

    And finally...

    23. "Walking around constantly in socks they can't take off, with the floor covered in two millimeters of water."

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.