Kristen Bell Talked About The Time Dax Shepard Dumped Her For Another Girl

    Don't worry, it has a happy ending.

    If you believe in a thing called LOVE, you've probably heard of Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard.

    Lots of people think of Kristen and Dax as being total #couplesgoals, or whatever the hashtag is. WELL KRISTEN HAS A LITTLE STORY FOR YA!

    Yesterday, in an interview with PopSugar, Kristen talked about the time Dax dumped her to be with another girl ten years ago :(.

    "We were dating for about three months," Kristen revealed. "And I already knew that I was in love with him and he was hesitant because he knew he was still dating other people,"

    "He sat me down and said, 'I can't have this right now. I think you're wonderful, but I am still dating other people.'"

    "And then I, like, liquefied and fell to the ground, but I felt incredibly respected that he had the balls to tell me we weren't in the same place."

    But Kristen says she wasn't ~too~ worried about the breakup, cuz she knew he'd come crawling back. Which he did — just four days later:

    He called me and he was like, "I don't know what I was thinking. I was dating someone else but they're just not as interesting as you, and I don't know what I'm doing," and he came back.

    And even though they're now happily married with kids, Bell still teases him about it from time to time.

    "I still always remind him of when he broke up with me," she said.

    See! All couples have their problems. AND WE'RE ALL GONNA BE FINE!!!

    Get you a man who loves you like Dax Shepard loved Kristen Bell four days after dumping her.