Buzz Aldrin Tweeted The Daddiest Of Dad Jokes On The Anniversary Of His Historic Moon Landing


    In case you've been ~spacing out~ lately, July 20 marked the 49th anniversary of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins' historic landing on the moon.

    The Apollo 11 landing is one of those moments in history that folks tend to remember vividly. So Twitter user Linn LeBlanc asked people to share where they were on that historic day:

    Where were you 49 years today when @TheRealBuzz and Neil Armstrong made those historic first steps onto the Moon. Congratulations to the #Apollo11 crew and to the thousands that made those steps possible!

    The tweet got lots of responses. Many people were watching it unfold on their TVs at home:

    Some were on vacation when it all went down:

    And some folks were even busy being born:

    Well, Buzz Aldrin stumbled across the conversation on Twitter, and decided to chime in — with a 10/10 perfect dad joke, no less.

    I was on the Moon! #Apollo11 @NASA

    People were very into Buzz's response.

    @TheRealBuzz @HoustonSolution @NASA One of the best comebacks I’ve seen in a while. #Apollo11

    Many fans used the joke as an opportunity to thank him for his work.

    @TheRealBuzz @NASA This reply is the most amazing response to any twitter question yet! Buzz, you have inspired generation after generation. You guys were the bravest. An unknown territory. There must have been that 'If things go wrong' element which would scare me to pieces. Huge respect.

    Needless to say, his "Where were you?" story kinda trumps the rest.

    Anyway. Were YOU alive on July 20th, 1969? If so, comment with your memories from that historic day. The stories are pretty freaking cool to hear — even the ones that take place on earth.