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23 Buildings That Aren't Fucking Fooling Anybody

RIP, Blockbuster.

1. This urgent care center sure looks like it used to be a certain ~hut~ that sells pizza.

2. Something tells me this restaurant used to be a gas station.

3. This Dunkin' Donuts used to be a car wash — hence the indoor drive-thru.

4. This Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant — but instead of painting over the murals on the walls, they gave them a fun little update.

5. You're gonna think I'm making this one up, but I'm not: This NASA research center was built inside a former McDonald's. Look at it!

6. This Walgreens in Chicago used to be a bank, and now they store their vitamins in the vault.

7. This nightclub used to be a church.

8. And this McDonald's ALSO used to be a church.

9. Turns out churches can become lots of things — even gyms.

10. This taco joint used to be a Blockbuster. Just look at the sign!

11. The Blockbuster sign lives on at lots of different businesses. Like this liquor store...

12. ...And this beauty shop...


14. Anyway. This volleyball court used to be a swimming pool — just look at that "no diving" sign!

15. This shoe shop used to be a grocery store — you can see the produce, deli, and bakery sections in the background.

16. This bank was flipped into the biggest, grandest McDonald's you've ever seen.

17. This liquor store used to be a Hollywood Video. The store might have failed, but the sign still worked!

18. These folks got even more creative with the sign Hollywood Video left behind.

19. When this classic old movie theater moved out, Walgreens moved in.

20. Before they were selling pad thai, they *might* have been selling fried chicken from Kentucky...

21. This bookstore definitely used to be a Hollister. It's probably too dark in there to read a damn thing.

22. This sandwich shop found a pretty clever way to recycle that Quizno's sign.

23. And finally, this Taco Bell is inside a freaking HOUSE — and I'd very much like to move in.