Billie Eilish Says 27 Is "Too Old" And I Am Honestly RATTLED

    “I’m never gonna be 27 — that’s too old."

    You probably know Billie Eilish — the Gen Z pop star behind hit songs like "Bad Guy" and "When The Party's Over."

    Now, I LOVE Billie. She's smart, funny, enormously talented, and also terrifies me to my core in the best way possible. But, BOY OH BOY, does this 17-year-old pop star make me feel like An Old.

    There was the time she didn't realize the Spice Girls were a real band and thought it was a fictional girl group made just for the movie Spice World.

    And there was the time she had no idea who Hilary Duff (or Lizzie McGuire) was.

    And there was also the time she called Justin Bieber her "first love," adding:

    I feel like everybody had a Justin Bieber phase when they were like 12.

    Well, Billie Eilish just graced the cover of Rolling Stone...

    And in the magazine's feature on her, there are lots of little details that remind you just how young Billie really is — like the fact that she still sees a pediatrician:

    “It’s weird,” says her mom. “There’s a waiting room full of four-year-olds, and then there’s Billie Eilish.”

    But one quote from Billie in the interview has truly RATTLED ME:

    "I’m never gonna be 27 — that’s too old."

    Ahem. Lemme read that again.

    “I’m never gonna be 27 — that’s too old."

    Here's me, a 28-year-old man, realizing that in the eyes of 2019's biggest pop sensation, I am..........elderly.

    Well, I had a good run! If you'll excuse me, I am going to go walk into the ocean and never return. Goodbye.

    You can read Billie's full cover story with Rolling Stone here. And Billie, if you're reading this, you can learn more about the Spice Girls here.