23 GIFs That Perfectly Depict Primary School For All Aussie '90s Girls

    TFW you open Dolly's sealed section...

    1. Poring over the latest Dolly with your friends at lunch like...

    2. ...and reading the sealed section like...

    3. Getting told off for wearing hair mascara to school like...

    4. Reading Flowers In the Attic like...

    5. Dancing to B*Witched at the school disco like...

    6. Talking to your friends about Buffy like...

    7. Sitting in assembly like...

    8. Doing sex ed like...

    9. Leaving school early on a hot weather day like...

    10. Learning the Nutbush like...

    11. Learning to play the recorder like...

    12. Going to the canteen like...

    13. Being allowed to borrow books from the "young adult" section of the library like...

    14. Finally getting the Spice Girls' Impulse like...

    15. Playing "what's the time, Mr. Wolf" like...

    16. Talking about Taylor Hanson like...

    17. Having your first crush like...

    18. Going on school excursions like...

    19. Having a sleepover at the school like...

    20. Being a rebel like...

    21. Being a senior like...

    22. Graduating primary school like...

    23. ...and then being nervous about high school like...

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