13 Medieval Reactions That Perfectly Illustrate Your Night Out

    Thanks, @MedievalReacts!

    1. For the selfie that almost was:

    When you in the middle of taking a fire bathroom selfie and someone tries to open the door

    2. For when you're having your "I was feeling my look CAN I LIVE?!" moment:

    When your parents won't let you out because your outfit is too revealing

    3. For when you're in a rush:

    When the taxis coming in 10 minutes and you're not ready

    4. For when you make an entrance:

    Turning up late to a party and everyone's fucked like

    5. For your mate who's not even going to make it to the club later:

    When your mate fucks it and falls asleep on your lap

    6. For when you get to the club and have to have this conversation:

    When your mates are too smashed for the club and you're trying to negotiate with the bouncers like

    7. For when your song comes on:

    8. For a questionable hook up:

    When the lights turn on in the club and you see who you've been pulling all night

    9. For when you go to check your phone and this happens:

    When you accidentally open the front camera

    10. For when you decide to dance like no one is watching:

    When you can't find your mates in the club so you start jamming on your own like

    11. For when you'd really rather be at home with a pizza:

    When your mates absolutely smashed but you're just not feeling it

    12. For the morning after:

    13. And for when your friends remind you of all the shit you did last night:

    When your life's falling apart but you gotta smile through the pain like

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