25 YouTube Videos That Need To Fucking Explain Themselves


    We asked the BuzzFeed Community for the weirdest YouTube videos they've ever seen. Here are the insanely confusing results.

    1. This man who wanted to show off his new diet:

    2. This true interspecies friendship:

    3. This very talented rat:

    4. This girl who defies the laws of physics:

    5. The most sultry song in the world:

    6. This brilliant play on words:

    7. The greatest YouTube tutorial in the world:

    8. This first-place hog call:

    9. Honestly, I don't even know what this is:

    10. This cringeworthy tale:

    11. This moving tribute to the tune of a classic:

    12. This... thing:

    13. The tastiest video on the internet:

    14. This pad of paper that is totally you:

    15. This man with pole:

    16. This grandma/baby:

    17. The makeup tutorial no one asked for:

    18. This compelling story:

    19. The human mail challenge:

    20. The video you'll never want to watch twice:

    21. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

    22. The 25th video of this random guy, just sitting and smiling:

    23. This man's gripping watermelon-eating tutorial:

    24. ???????????????????

    25. And Angel's blowjob tips:

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