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21 Things That Actually Helped Me Get (And Stay) Fit After Three Years

Real tips that actually work.

Hey, I'm Spencer. Three years ago I started this cool, intense fitness project where I basically tried to gain as much muscle mass as possible.

I gained 20 pounds in 12 weeks, and after that project was over I wanted to continue with my fitness journey. Everyone's experiences and bodies are different, but here's what actually helped me see results and stay motivated throughout the last three years.

1. Listen. To. Your. Body.

2. Keep in mind that there are some things you literally just can't control.

3. Don't feel pressured to tackle nutrition and fitness all at once.

4. Find new ways to challenge yourself so you don't feel stuck or get tired of your routine.

5. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods.

6. Follow a daily schedule, and consider becoming a morning workout person to help you meet your fitness goals.

7. Create goals for yourself that aren't strictly about the number of pounds you've lost or gained.

8. Keep track of your workouts so you can physically see all of your hard work and growth.

9. Consider trying a group fitness class or finding a workout partner to help push yourself.

10. Try to stop weighing yourself (or at least understand that progress isn't just about a number on the scale).

11. Be honest about everything.

12. Teach yourself about what's in the foods you're eating, but try not to obsess over it.

13. Instead of comparing yourself to other people online or at the gym, try comparing your current self to your old self.

14. Don't feel forced to cook or meal-prep every single one of your meals.

15. But when you do make your own meals, find an aspect of it that you really enjoy to help make cooking or meal-prepping feel like less of a chore.

16. And follow that same practice when it comes to fitness, too.

17. Instead of setting unrealistic lifestyle goals for yourself, focus on making achievable lifestyle changes.

18. And don't forget to celebrate the smaller victories while you try to achieve your overall goal.

19. Post about your fitness journey online as a way to help hold yourself accountable.

20. Look at your journey in weekly increments so it doesn't seem so drawn out or daunting.

21. And most importantly, be patient, because you're probably not going to see changes immediately.

If you want to keep up with the rest of my fitness journey and BuzzFeed challenges, you can follow me on Instagram @SpencerAlthouse.