18 Things You'll Understand If You Hate Going To Bed Late

    "So I'll pick you up around 10?" "AT NIGHT?!"

    1. You organize all of your evening socialising around your bedtime.

    2. And you’ve been known to not attend a party because it started too late.

    3. So New Year’s Eve is a terrible evening because you’re FORCED to stay up late.

    4. When someone suggests a 9pm dinner reservation you kind of panic.

    5. So going to Mediterranean countries where it’s normal to eat really late is absolutely terrible.

    In Spain they go out so late that my friend text me at 9 to go out I had time to eat a pizza, have an hours nap, then get ready for 12:00

    6. And going to a late cinema screening is kind of awful, because you know you’ll just end up yawning through most of it.

    7. So you certainly couldn’t handle one of those midnight screenings.

    8. You never feel worse than when you don't get a good night's sleep.

    9. And you can't understand people who seem to survive on four hours.

    10. You can never relate to those people who say they work best late at night.

    11. So you could never be one of those night owls who stayed up late studying.

    12. Because you’re basically a zombie after 9pm.

    13. Flying long-haul fucks you up for a really long time.

    14. Half the reason you go to bed early is you know you’ll be an absolute monster if you don’t get a full night’s sleep.

    15. But even though you go to bed early this doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a morning person.

    16. Your friends always try to get you to stay out later.

    17. But they’ve probably learned not to push you any more.

    18. Because you know there’s nothing better than getting an early night.