22 Reasons Life Was Easier In 2005

    Remember life without the "seen" tick?

    1. There was no such thing as the Facebook message seen tick.

    2. Because Facebook barely existed at all.

    3. So you didn't spend hours of your life Facebook-stalking people you used to go to school with.

    4. And you didn't have to worry about getting tagged in an awful photo.

    5. There was much less chance of your mum stalking you online.

    6. And it was a lot harder for future employers to find out everything about you online.

    No embarrassing old tweets to find. Although they could find your LiveJournal, which would probably have been more cringeworthy.

    7. You never experienced the pain of lying in bed and dropping a smartphone on your face.

    8. And you rarely had to worry about smashing your phone screen.

    Because your Nokia 3410 literally never broke.

    9. Autocorrect wasn't constantly ruining your life in texts.

    10. And those little grey typing dots weren't constantly giving you anxiety.

    11. You never had to suffer the pain of accidentally opening the front camera.

    When you accidentally open your front camera

    12. You were never at risk of sending an ~inappropriate~ Snapchat to the wrong person.

    13. And you didn't have to worry about someone screenshotting it.

    14. You didn't have to live with the shame of an accidental Instagram-creeping like.

    15. You could go to a goddamn concert without everyone filming it on their phones.

    16. And you rarely had to worry about people in the cinema texting.

    17. You didn’t have to worry about Netflix taking your favourite show off when you were halfway through a season.

    18. There was no worry of being subtweeted.

    When you see someone subtweeting about u

    19. You never got lost trying to make plans in a ridiculous group chat.

    20. And you never woke up to hundreds of notifications that you felt obliged to read through.

    My whatsapp notifications today are atrocious 😷

    Probably only checked your emails once a day then.

    21. You weren't constantly worrying about your phone running out of battery.

    How it feels when your phone is at 1%

    22. And you didn't have to deal with these fucking things breaking all the time.