17 Times Museum Employees Were Just Really Funny

    "Shall we get a historian to date the skull?" "No"

    1. The person who wrote this label.

    2. This excellent warning to parents.

    3. And this witty museum staff joke.

    4. This extremely ironic museum.

    It's a small museum, but it really captures the Australian spirit.

    5. This sign, clearly written by an employee who just wanted to go home for the day.

    6. And this really informative model.

    7. The person behind this sort of rude-looking interactive exhibit.

    8. And this EVEN RUDER sign.

    9. This extremely British anecdote.

    10. This excellent "beetle" exhibit.

    11. This touch screen that you maybe shouldn't touch.

    12. This zoologically improbable and/or terrifying taxidermy.

    13. Whoever named this museum.

    14. Whoever decided the admission cost of this museum.

    15. This museum, which has an absolutely foolproof security system.

    16. This sign from the museum of sex.

    17. And this really solid life advice.