18 Things Everyone Who Hates PDA Will Understand

    More like public display of awfulness.

    1. In your mind, PDA is maybe the grossest thing in the world.

    2. When you see couples make out in public you just want it to end.

    3. Because nobody needs to see this.

    4. But there's nothing worse than PDA on the bus where you can't escape.

    5. Or seeing it on the train on the way to work.

    6. You just want to heckle these people.

    7. But instead you just look away and hope it ends soon.

    8. But even if you look away sometimes you can still hear that kissing noise, which is GROSS.

    9. There's nothing worse than being the third wheel with your handsy couple friends.

    10. Or being in the lounge when your housemate brings their new boyfriend over.

    11. But it's even worse when you're in a relationship and your partner is really into PDA.

    And you don't want to offend them but then, PEOPLE MIGHT SEE.

    12. Because this is just about the only acceptable PDA you're willing to participate in.

    13. And you can just about deal with hand holding.

    14. Because you only engage in PDA when you’re drunk.

    15. The kiss cam is your absolute idea of hell.

    16. You live in fear of the “you may now kiss the bride” moment if you ever get married.

    17. You even sometimes feel uncomfortable with PDA on TV.

    18. But there is nothing worse than seeing your parents PDA.