18 Of The Most Relatable Cake Fails Of All Time

    Literally me.

    1. When you try out a new hairstyle and it doesn't go as planned:

    2. When you're trying to get in shape for summer and it just isn't happening:

    3. When your relatives asks how your job search is going when you just graduated:

    4. When you think about your student loans:

    5. When all your friends are in relationships and you're just sitting there like:

    6. When you go for dinner with your friends and they're all talking about their awesome new jobs:

    7. When you check your bank balance after a big night out:

    8. When you try and dress like a grownup for a job interview:

    9. When you get told off at work and you're just trying to keep it together:

    10. When you wake up in the middle of the night because you forgot to transfer your rent money:

    11. When you're having a nice day and then you panic that you left the oven on:

    12. When all your friends start buying houses and you're just there like:

    13. When you try and look pretty for a date:

    14. When you try to flirt:

    15. When you finally start dating someone and you're trying to cover up all your flaws:

    16. When you're trying to sleep and then you think about that embarrassing thing you did five years ago:

    17. When you're acting like everything is fine but inside you're screaming:

    18. When you finally feel like everything's going ok, but then you realise it's not: