18 Things You Did At Uni That Would Get You Fired From Work

    All aboard the banter bus.

    1. Not bothering to come in because you’re hungover, multiple times a week.

    2. Regularly leaving the office to throw up in a bin.

    3. Refusing to attend anything that starts before 10am.

    4. Spending the whole time at work on Facebook looking at pictures of your night out.

    5. Reading out sections of Wikipedia as contributions to meetings.

    6. Claiming to be working but actually spending the day watching Netflix.

    Sitting in my room eating pizza rolls watching netflix and pretending to study

    "I'm doing research for my dissertation" = watching OITNB in the library so you're actually absorbing knowledge through osmosis.

    7. Ordering pizza to the office at 11am on a regular basis.

    8. Drinking orange squash mixed with basics vodka at work drinks.

    9. Forcing new starters to participate in lengthy initiation ceremonies.

    10. Aggressively enforcing a series of drinking game rules during the work day.

    As soon as you finish your coffee you need to tap the empty mug on your shoulder or you have to make a round for everyone.

    11. For instance suggesting your colleagues play “Amy Winehands” to liven up the weekly strategy meetings.

    12. Or encouraging your colleagues to play never have I ever in the break room.

    13. And chanting “DOWN IT, DOWN IT” across the office whenever one of your colleagues has a cup of tea.

    14. Wearing your pyjamas to the office.

    Dude came to class wearing "Call of Duty" pajamas. Welcome to community college

    Those tartan jammies might have been ok in your 9am introduction to philosophy lecture but that shit will not fly in a room full of suits.

    15. Demanding an extension on your work because “the printer broke".

    16. Regularly shouting “banter” at people.

    Even if it's ironic. Lads Lads Lads.

    17. Calling your parents to sort out your work problems.

    18. Trying to draw on your colleagues at any point in the day.
